Join Book Clubs

7 Interested |

Are you an avid reader, and love your fictional world as much as the grim one you currently live in? You can join a range of book clubs that will cater to your needs (genre-wise as well). But we'll highly recommend a prominent book club and community that goes by the name of Broke Bibliophiles. They regularly organize meetings in cafes and restaurants, share their personal book recommendations, and are basically THE group for book lovers. They have a strong and very active online community on Facebook and Instagram as well.  

P.S: They recently had their first in-person meetup after the pandemic, at Doolally's. Go follow their social handles for more such updates, and connect with fellow booklovers. 

Shell Out: Most of their events have fee entries 


Former Senior Features Writer, LBB Mumbai | Equal love for coffee, and chai. ☕️