Khoob Bhaalo: This Bengali Home Kitchen Is A Respite For The Homesick Bongs

The information in this post might be outdated


For those of you who are looking to dip a big chunk of mutton cutlet into kashundi, let’s talk about the awesome Bengali food service that Bagchiis is.

Chow Down

Started by Papiya Bagchi – an ex advertising professional who decided to pursue her love for food. She started Bagchiis with her mother – a home kitchen that serves home-cooked food. What started as a delivery-only kitchen is slowly taking shape. They now have a table with a few chairs to accommodate guests. They serve chicken cutlet for INR 180, aloo dum for INR 60, shukto for INR 150 and our favourite – malpua for INR 150.

The kosha mangsho is our favourite – specially when it’s coupled with luchi. Their thalis are popular too. Gorge on their mini binge that {INR 250} that consists of cholar dal, luchi, bhaja, aloo dum, chutney and more. Their super binge thali at INR 350 is for those with a big appetite. Their chicken rezala has been kept authentic with the right amount of sweet and spice and comes in the signature off white/light brown rezala colour. While other places may have corrupted the authentic rezala with too many local spices, this one remains untouched.

So, We're Saying...

If Bengali food is something you binge on, go and order yourself some bhetki love. We’ll order in a paturi and live life happily ever after.


Based out of Bandra, they have tie-ups with delivery services. They cover Bandra, Khar, Santacruz but do contact them to inquire for other areas.


Former Editor, LBB, Mumbai