The pandemic brought Simran Khara, Koparo's founder face to face with a few truths. A major one being, that we are all exposed to a ton of nasty chemicals on a daily basis through our household cleaning products and also our personal hygiene products. They want to make everyday hygiene and cleaning a daily habit, while also making it safe for everyone including kids, pets and the planet too!
Their products are so safe that your kids can easily help with the household chores without you worrying that they will come in contact with harmful chemicals. And Koparo is all about encouraging your kids to do their bit too. All their products are plant-based, between 95 to 99 percent biodegradable, and free from phosphates, parabens, EDTA, triclosan, chlorine, ammonia, synthetic dyes. They are packaged in recyclable bottles. While their catalog of products includes everything from dishwashing liquid to floor cleaner and body cleaner, you can currently shop their personal hygiene products on LBB.
Their bodywash is formulated with natural and naturally-derived ingredients that are good for the skin. They nourish the skin with ingredients like Vit E, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and other plant extracts. The handwash offers natural germ protection is PH balanced and hypoallergenic. It's fragranced with soothing lavender and vetiver. Both are at INR 249 onwards.