This Brand Makes Interactive Learning Games That Your Kids Will Love

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Kub & Bear

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What Makes It Awesome

Children have a very short attention span. And to keep them in one place might be a task. However, we've found a games brand called Kub and Bear that's got a lot of interactive learning games. They won't just be fodder for your child's curious minds, but also a great way to sail through the pandemic and frequent lockdowns. 

Kub & Bear was born out of the idea that fun and learning should be intertwined. They provide an enriching collection of educational toys and games that foster skill development. They've got personally handpicked games that inculcate a sense of caring for animals, an interesting quick pickle card game, building blocks, alphabet games, a 3D mountain counting game, mathematical games, magnetic cube sets, playing cards, puzzles, and so much more. 

At Kub and Bear, the variety is endless. And with their games, the possibility of your kid feeling bored is next to impossible. These game sets start at INR 1,200 only and are a great investment. And as they say, playing games has no age- maybe you can indulge in a game or two with your kid, niece or nephew too! So don't just work hard. Play harder with Kub and Bear games! 


You can buy Kub and Bear games on Shop on LBB! 


Writer, Traveller, and a mother of 5 animals.