#LBBGiveaway: Your Mom Will Love This DIY Kit From Asian Paints & You Can Win It For Her

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What Is It?

We along with Asian Paints organized a #HandmadeByMa session for moms a few days ago. Seeing how everyone had fun creating handicrafts design using a DIY kit, Asian Paints is now giving a chance to all of you to win this kit for your mom {yay}. 3 lucky LBB readers will win the DIY kit.

Awesome, And What Is This Kit?

It’s a unique do-it-yourself, block printing kit that will let your mom create her own masterpieces. It has paintbrushes, colors, fun block shapes which can be used to print cushion covers, decorate old trunks, redo the linens and drapes. Trust us, its super fun.

Who Is It For?

It’s for everyone who misses spending time with their moms. After all, she’s your first best friend, your confidant and the support system that keeps you going. If you have been feeling guilty lately about prioritizing work over family or simply want a unique bonding experience, keep reading!

Great, How Can I Win?

All you have to do is share your #HandmadeByMa memories. If you ever remember getting a tailored pullover, printed quilt, a unique dish or a recipe that only she could make, a childhood doll weaved at home, a special box full of knick knacks, or even a corner at home that was done by your mom, then tell us about it! You could also take a picture and enter it in the form provided below. Feeling motivated? We suggest you upload the snaps or videos on your social media profiles using the #HandmadeByMa.

So, get sharing your #HandmadeByMa memories and win this DIY kit for her, for she will love it!

This giveaway is now closed. Find out the winners here.



Armchair Philosopher, aspires to become WMDB-Walking Movie Data Base, Worship Words, my ancestors were Bonobos and not chimps, atheist who wants world peace.