Friends Too Busy? Find A Fellow Movie Buff To Head To The Theatre With Here

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Dislike going for movies alone? Find company with other movie-goers through this movie lovers meetup group

Build An Audience

Love hitting up the cinema but unfortunately have ridiculously busy friends? Don’t miss out on one movie after another. This meetup group called Mumbai Movie Partners are all cinema-buffs who don’t let the lack of company stop them from watching a movie. Instead they make friends with each other, and watch movies together.

In this meetup group, every once in a while new events are made, in which they choose a particular movie being screened in a certain cinema, and after you have RSVPed to the event, you are added to a Whatsapp group where the plan is finalised {like with any friends group}. They organise meetups across different cinemas areas in the city – including Matterden and, INOX, and across English, Hindi and world cinema.

So, We’re Saying…

Go ahead, sign up and watch a movie with a group of really fun people who are simply there for the experience of watching a good movie, no holds barred.

This is a private group that you must request to join. Sign up here.

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Mumbai, IN
3,446 Movie Partners

We are Mumbaikars coming together for watching Movies, Plays , Music Concerts, Stand-up Comedy Events. I am sure there are a lot of us who have ended up missing on a few good …

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