Happy New Year, Folks: 22 Things We Plan To Do In 2022!

The information in this post might be outdated

A very happy new year, folks! 

The last two years went by in the blink of an eye, and honestly, we're still stuck in 2019, when life had no curfews and Section 144s. While this year was just a tad bit better than 2020, we're hoping that we get to live a pandemic-free life in the coming year.

Maybe you haven't had much luck with keeping your New Year's resolutions in the past. But it's never too late to turn over a new leaf, and this period between Christmas and New Year gives you ample time to come up with a resolution you'd want to stick to. In case you're out of ideas, we're here to help. Read on, feel inspired, and select a New Year's resolution for 2022! 

Lezz go!

Reduce Single-Use Plastic Consumption

There's nothing better than starting the year with an eco-conscious spirit. Every Kiraana store that you go to, hands your purchased products in plastic bags, but it is on us to carry our own cloth bags every time we go out shopping. You can do your part to help reduce carbon emissions and curb (or at least slightly slow down) global warming too. It's as simple as using reusable bottles, bags, cutlery, and bowls.

Pro-Tip: If you're at it but are clueless about where to start, here's a list of sustainable products to help you make the shift! 

Go On A (Social Media) Detox

There are millions of reasons to be glued to Instagram, but it's important to find that one reason not to. The pandemic kept us glued to the 'gram and our collective screentime increased too. But taking a break from social media can help decrease the feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression brought on by excessive scrolling. 

Pro-Tip: Instagram has even launched a new 'Take a Break' tool to encourage users to break the scrolling cycle and exit the app after a set amount of time. Now that even the makers of IG want you to take a break, you might as well give rest to those gorgeous pair of eyes! 

One For The Money, Two For The Soul

How many times have you heard your parents say "Paise bachao, pedh pe nahi ugte!" to you? Well, they're damn right. Our generation lives for short-term happiness, and we end up spending money on things we don't even need. In 2022, maybe give saving money and managing expenses a shot. Learn how to manage your expenses better and earn more. 

Pro-Tip: Check out Expensify to easily keep a track of all your bills and receipts. 

Choose Reductionism Over Veganism

While Veganism is a great eco-conscious food practice and a lifestyle, it also requires a vast shift and a lot of unlearning. Our body is used to a certain diet since we're born, and let's admit the fact that when one goes from being a hardcore non-vegetarian to fully vegan, the body might give up. This is where reductionism comes in. This is a concept wherein one can gradually reduce meat from their diet, instead of totally giving it up. This way, you can help your health and the planet whilst not having to give up on all your favourite animal product-based foods. 

Pro-Tip: Install the Quit Meat app on your phone, to start with your reductionism journey. You can also check out Vegan Dukaan, an online store for all things plant-based. From mock meat to vegan cosmetics and milk, they've got it all! 

Get Rid Of The Pandemic-Induced Insomnia

With barely anywhere to go, we've been hooked to watching films and series off OTT platforms after pulling off almost 12 hours of work-from-home tasks. This has spoilt our sleep cycle in the last two years. So if you're also someone who finds themselves awake till 4 in the morning, or raiding the kitchen at 2 AM to make Maggi, then let me break it to you that your sleep cycle has been messed with. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep will only reap benefits for your body. In 2022, make sure you work towards that! 

Pro-Tip: Check out an app called PrimeNap, that tracks your sleep, curates a sleep debt analysis chart, and includes a sleep journal too.  

Make Yourself A Hygge Corner

The Danish concept of hygge or hyggelig refers to finding comfort, pleasure, and warmth in simple, soothing things such as curating a cozy atmosphere, finding contentment and well-being through cherishing the little things or moments of joy. Open Instagram and search for Hygge as a hashtag, and you will see people from all over the world practicing this beautiful concept of self-love. You too, can make a cozy corner at home and use it to get away from all the hustle at work. 

Pro-Tip: I for one, have put out a tent on my terrace and decorated it with fairy lights, scented candles, tiny flowers, and colorful dreamcatchers. You can also set up up cozy cushions on your windowsill, and light candles if you wish to. The idea of Hygge, after all, is to practice self-love and for that, you've got to set up a corner that's an extension of your identity. 

Learn A New Language

Being a monolinguist is a thing of the past. In 2022, make learning a new language your resolution. Maybe French? Or Portuguese?  Learning a new language is extremely engaging when done right, and comes in handy when you're visiting a state or country and want to communicate with the locals.

Pro-Tip: If you wish to fancy up your resumes further then here are some online portals and apps to help you a new language and other courses for free. 

Be Your Own Barista

Coffee lovers, this one's for you, and the sizeable portion of your income that goes into ordering coffee from Zomato or paying over the counter at your favorite coffee shop. Instead of spending money (plus taxes) on that, why not pick up the skill of being a fine barista? Try to recreate your favorite cappuccino or espresso recipes at home instead. 

Pro-Tip: Ditch that Nescafe or Davidoff bottle and get home some well blended coffee from artisanal homegrown brands in India instead, from Shop on LBB. There's Monsoon Malabar, Mysore Nuggets, Chikmagalur's special blends, and even flavored coffee like choco orange. Pour in some milk and sugar if you have to, or make yourself a mug of beaten black coffee. 

Put On The Travelling Boots (But Mask Up Too)

2020-2021 single-handedly destroyed all our travel plans and the only place we frequently visited were the grocery stores. While this year still looked a bit better, where we could extend our plans to a friend's house too, we hope that the coming year will not be as harsh.

Pro-Tip: Resorts to homestays to treehouses, here's everything you can explore, before making your travel escapade's blueprint.   

P.S: Beware of Omicron, and make sure you choose a destination that doesn't have much crowd. For instance, choose the less crowded Konkan Coast in Maharashtra, over a Goa, which is full of tourists now. Take the requisite tests and follow all Government protocols before planning that vacay. 

Cook A New Cuisine Every Week

If the foodie inside you hasn't been able to experiment much, make that a priority this year. Make a list of the different cuisines you'd want to eat, and instead of ordering in, source the requisite condiments and make yourself a delish meal. That way, you won't just save up on costs but also learn to cook something new. We bet your family and friends will be REALLY happy with this resolution of yours! 

Pro-Tip: Shop on LBB has an assorted list of condiments and grocery items from homegrown Indian brands that you can lay your eyes on. From Thai curry pastes to mulberry preserves, and from Awadhi biryani masala to Maharashtrian Goda masala, there's literally everything for all kinds of cuisines. 

Step Up Instead Of Taking The Lift

How cool will it be to buy a kickass fitness tracker and clock above 10,000 steps a day? That's a hardcore resolution to take an oath to. But there's nothing as good as walking it up or climbing the steps instead of taking the lift, of course, unless you have a medical disability. These tiny initiatives aren't just good for the planet, but also save you thousands of rupees that you would spend for fitness inside a gymnasium. 

Pro-Tip: While you're at it, here's a list of gadgets and accessories that help keep a count of your steps every day. 

Ditch The Junk & Do Some Healthy Snackin'

Eating healthy is easy but staying consistent and far away from processed food is the actual challenge. But if you manage to adhere to healthy snacking, and replace your chips, burgers, and fries with some Makhanas, gluten-free chips, and healthy berries, then you'll really be winning it in 2022! 

Pro-Tip: Enroll in a diet plan at HealthifyMe. It plans meals for you, gives coach guidance, helps you watch what you eat, and also provides an easy workout plan. You can also stock up your snack shelf with yummy (and healthy) snacks from Shop on LBB. 

Breakfast of the champions, here are some healthy breakfast cereals and snacks to help Nishant kick-start his healthy tour. 

Make Time To Volunteer

It's never too late to do your bit for the underprivileged. Be it volunteering at an animal NGO, or feeding the strays on the streets, or teaching orphaned kids in a school, try to contribute in some way. Trust us when we say that there's no better way than starting the new year on a good note and being the reason for someone's smile.  

Pro-Tip: You can find many organizations in your cities that are working towards the betterment of individuals and animals. For instance, here are some NGOs in Mumbai that you can help out at. You can even enroll yourself with the Robinhood Army, an organization that provides meals to the homeless all over the country. 

Add New Skills To Your Resume

Companies all over the world are now looking at hiring people who can do a little bit of everything. A writer might be required to know how to run SEO keyword research, and a photographer might need to know how to shoot videos. A social media manager must be good at scripting reels and brand marketing too. So, it is always good to upskill yourself or learn something new online. It only adds to your resume, and you'll have an upper hand in your workplace too.  Make adding new professional skills to your resume a solid resolution in 2022!

Pro-Tip: Here are about 8 sites where you can take up different courses and learn new skills for free. Apart from this, you can sign up for Google's digital marketing courses, or a bunch of courses in Udemy or Coursera, that suit your field of work. 

Duration of Courses: Most online courses are between 2 to 6 months long, and provide certification in the end, which looks great on your CV! 

Become A Plant Parent

What do you think of this one? We mean to say that it's an easy resolution- completely doable and way cheaper than becoming a human parent for sure! There is a lot more to plants than just their outer beauty. And since we're so used to staying indoors now, it's important to create green corners at home. Plants don't just look aesthetically beautiful and create a tropical vibe, but also reduce stress levels, and improve air quality. 

Pro-Tip: Head to the local nurseries to get yourself some flower seeds or plants, and also get some quirky planters home.  For the latter, you will get great homegrown options at Shop on LBB. If you're looking to give your balcony a cute, greeny, and boho makeover, here's a guide that'll help you do so! 

Choose Books Over Gizmos

Our attention spans have dropped and how! Do you even remember the last time you picked up a book or got the time to revisit your hobby of delving into stories? We surely don't and this one's also going to be our resolution for 2022. Try to ditch those gadgets and gizmos for a while and dedicate about 2 hours every day to reading a good book. 

Pro-Tip: If you're a beginner at this and need good recommendations, here are a few books and online libraries that make for some wonderful reads. 

Heal Through Hydrotherapy

Our grandmothers would tell us that water had healing powers, just like any other element of nature. And seems like whoever invented the concept of Hydrotherapy, took it seriously. Water healing, hydrotherapy or aqua therapy has been recognized as one of the oldest and safest holistic methods for treating many common ailments. Known to cure joint issues, hydrotherapy ensures stronger bones and is also a fun and unconventional way of seeking treatment. So in the upcoming year, ditch those antibiotics, and go for water healing instead. 

Pro-Tip: You can check out different hydrotherapy centers in your respective cities. But we hear that AquaCentric therapy in Mumbai is really good. They've even got underwater exercise treadmills, and therapies that soothe your stressed body and loosen your stiff back! 

Drop Those Cals

While some of us binge-ate our way through this global pandemic (hey, no judging), many embraced a healthier lifestyle. =If your resolution is getting a lean and toned body in 2022, then don't just procrastinate, make it happen! A lot of us are not cut for Yoga or only eating healthy. We might need some hardcore gymming sessions and if you're one of us, then you can enroll yourself into the nearest gym. Yes, now's a good time (or right after the 31st!)

Pro-Tip: Omicron might affect the timings of physical gymnasiums, or they might take people with limited capacity. So, you can opt for workout sessions from home itself. Here's everything you need for a home gym and some fitness apps for those intense workouts at home. Get, set, hustle!

Go Vocal For Local

The year 2020 made us value Make In India brands, and the year also led to the creation of many homegrown brands. There was a massive shift in consumption as people looked up to buying goods from local brands instead of paying the same money to Chinese brands. March into 2022 with the same spirit, and continue supporting local brands by going vocal for them!

Pro-Tip: Shop on LBB has over a gazillion (no exaggeration here) amazing brands on its website. Give indie brands a shot, as well as the recognition they deserve for their awesomesauce products! 

Join A Hobby Club

Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a hobby club will help you meet new people in the process. If you love meeting likeminded individuals, then this resolution will be like a fun activity for you, and you'll be more likely to follow it in 2022. Sometimes, we want to learn new things but there's no motivation or enough kick to make it happen. But joining a hobby club helps us curate something creative with other people, and watching them gives us the much needed push!

Pro-Tip: Every city has different hobby clubs. For instance, Delhi has a Delhi Drum Circle, Bengaluru has a Bangalore Book Club, Mumbai has Craft groups. 

Upcycle Your Wardrobe

Did you know that 70 percent of Asia's rivers and lakes are contaminated by the 2.5 billion gallons of wastewater produced by the textile industry? Maybe you can bring about a change by upcycling your wardrobe, instead of impulsively buying 4 pairs of jeans or those 20 tops that you own. This will help you save money, and you will also contribute towards a healthier environment. 

Pro-Tip: Start by learning how to sew, or take to embroidery, cut or paint your denims to make them look different instead of buying a new pair.  

Give Yourself More Compliments

We're so sucked up by the hustle culture that there's zero time to stop and shower yourself with affirmations that you deserve to hear. Also, why depend on others for compliments when you can be your own cheerleader? In 2022, take some time out and say- "Today is my day. I'm thankful for me." Positive self-talk can help you focus on what's good in your life too. 

Pro-Tip: Spare 2 minutes every day to go have a look in the mirror, and admire the beauty that you are, and tell yourself that you can get through the day (or year). Make this a habit and see how confident it makes you feel! 


While the last two years may have been hard on us here's us letting bygones be bygones and moving ahead with the hope that we keep up with our 2022 resolutions!


Probably found writing something under a bald tree, with my earphones on, next to a dog and a gigantic bowl of Caramel Popcorn!