Got An Ear For Music? This City-Based Musicians' Forum Helps You Learn The Ropes

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A new art property in Mumbai, Offset is striking a chord among everyone – from amateur musicians, professional producers, or just anyone with a good ear for music.

What Do They Do?

Started by Ayan De {music producer} and Nush Lewis {harpist}, Offset is meant to be a common space for everyone interested in the arts, especially music to pool their resources, trade ideas and lend each other their knowledge.

This project, although only a few weeks old has grand plans in the works. One of the things they plan to hold regularly is music workshops and masterclasses. In these, they could teach anything to do with music – whether it’s a drummer teaching beats, a filmmaker sharing his knowledge in his field or a visual artist who curates artwork for music videos. These masterclasses will take place once a month, and be open to all – the tone-deaf, the musically inclined, the struggling musicians, et al.

Apart from workshops, they will also hold something called ‘live set feedback forum’, in which essentially they curate an audience for musicians who want to test out their new work on a select group of people for feedback. All you have to do as a musician is send in a smell demo of your music with links to and they return your email with a confirmation.

Look Out For ...

… Their website, to be launched in the next two months, in which they will provide online tutorials for musicians and forums for discussion of common problems.

You can also keep a tab on their upcoming events, projects and workshops. Just follow their Facebook page here.

So, We're Saying...

We’re very excited about a new group that wants to include everyone within the music scene and without, so that there’s ultimately more and better music for everybody.

Their next workshop is on session drumming held by Jai Row Kavi, taking place on July 16 from 11.30am–3.30pm. The fee is INR 2,000 including food and beverages. Sign up by emailing


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