Oldie But A Goodie: Delish Pav Bhaji, Dosas & Fruit Beer At DP's In Dadar

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Whilst walking around the Delhi-esque lanes of Dadar near Ruia College, we hit up DP’s for its famous pav bhaji, dosa and fruit beer. We tell you why it’s still an oldie but a goodie, and a favourite among the Dadar loyalists.

Chow Down

DP’s Fast Food Centre opposite Ruia College is what nostalgia is made of. With college students hanging around, and school boys playing cricket in the near by field, DP’s retains its evergreen charm.

We’d heard about its famous and ‘best’ pav bhaji, and so we ordered a plate. Though it was slightly tangy, and lapped up in oodles of butter, we really wiped out the plate. However, the real nostalgic value came in the form of masala pav and their dosas {the Mysore dosa especially}. They have a variety of dishes to choose from, and if you like us, love sticking to the classics, we will probably just go for the the pav bhaji. Their cheese one is a good filler.

Sip On

Of course, no visit to DP’s is complete without a gold old glass of their classic fruit beer. There’s also a new addition of coolers. They have raspberry, mint and more at offer.

So, We're Saying...

Over the years, DP’s still remains a favourite amongst the college students and Dadar residents. Looking for a quick indulgent pav bhaji on your way? If you’re lucky, you’ll get one of the outdoor seats.


Post the savoury outing, magai paan from the paanwalla outside is a well-kept secret of the regulars.


Former Senior Features Writer, LBB Mumbai | Equal love for coffee, and chai. ☕️