Brew-tastic: Explore Your Artsy Side And Register For A Fun Coffee Painting Workshop Online

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Online Coffee Painting Workshop

What's Happening?

We're all currently under lock down and there isn't too much that one can do, so it's best that we keep ourselves occupied with interests and hobbies that we otherwise never really had the time for. Coffee painting is one type of art that has intrigued most of us, but then, we never had the time to do much about it. So, here's your golden opportunity. 

This online coffee painting workshop will be conducted by Sheena Anam, a self-taught artist who works with pencils, charcoal, watercolours, acrylics, oil paints and knife painting. This session will teach you the history behind coffee painting, a study on coffee beans and powders and how to create a monochromatic painting. 

You'll need to keep the following materials handy - Bru instant coffee - 1 pack, colour mixer palate, brush, A4 paper, spoon, tissues, tape (optional). 

You'll learn how to create tones using coffee, coffee blending techniques, preserving coffee art and your final product will be a cityscape. 

The workshop will take place on April 18 from 4 PM to 6 PM. The cost for the workshop is INR 350.

How’s the venue?

The workshop is online, you can register and attend it on Google Meet.

Make a note

It's a beginner-friendly workshop, so there's no prior experience needed. The workshop is open to anyone above age 8. Please make sure you attend the live event on time, latecomers won't be able to attend. 


₹350 Only

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