Happy Pride! Here Are Some Online Pride Communities For You To Join

The information in this post might be outdated

It’s June and it's also Pride Month, which means the annual celebration and promotion of different sexual orientations, highlighting the importance of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual rights and promoting acceptance of fluidity in genders. Every year, the Pride month is celebrated in the honour of the Stonewall riots in Manhattan in 1969. 

And this month, we list a bunch of online communities you can support and be a part of, keep yourself updated when it comes to news and generally help spread the love. 


A private group (with 12,800 members), LGBTQIA+ is  for any individual who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual and intersexual, you must join if you’re new to gender identities. Supportive parents, friends and relatives can also be a part of this to gain some understanding and knowledge for their friends. The group strives not to become a dating platform and has strict rules against misconduct, making it a safe place for everyone.

Gaysi Family

Gaysi Family is an online blog (with a forum) for desi Gays to talk about their opinions, stories and experiences as a member of the LGBT family. From poems to stories to erotic fiction to event notices, books and movie reviews, you can find hoards of LGBT Literature on this site.

They also conduct an open mic Pan India called “Dirty Talk” which has always been a roaring success with participants like Ankur Tiwari, Imaad Shah, Sorabh Pant and more. 

You can also take a look at their online magazine which aims to make “Queer”a more common concept amongst Desis. 

Transgender India

Probably one of the most welcoming space for transgenders, doubts, opinions and general stories of transitioning, you must sign up on Transgender India. They have tons of video series, blogs, stories on experiences, helpful answers on being a transgender, transitioning, coming out and more.  


Working towards the rights of lesbians, bisexual and transgender persons of Kerala, Sahayatrika has quickly become a safe space for LGBT education, awareness, news, experience articles and more. They work towards counselling, building public awareness and protecting sexual minorities.

Yes We Exist, India

An Instagram page born out of the rising need for LGBT education and awareness, no one does it quite like Yes We Exist. They have conversations on caste, “gayness”, asexuality,Indian Queer communities and their rights, awareness about pride issues and so much more. They also shout out Queer artists. 

Queer Hindu Alliance

Born out of the need to create a safe space and bring Hindus and the Queer community together. The Queer Hindu Alliance is a support group that advocates for more inclusiveness and solidarity for Queer Hindus. They have discourse on various topics, Q&As, spirituality sessions and more on their Instagram page.

QKnit India

The QKnit has a dedicated Mumbai and Delhi team whose primary aim is to spread awareness about social rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. They strive to unite mini groups and communities across areas together under the same cause of spreading awareness.They have a lot of literature on coming out stories, posts on intersectionality, prose and poems, education about Sec 377 and more.

LGBT North East

A general community page on Instagram for the Queer community of North East, you can follow them for daily art, literature, poems and more. There is also a separate community for Manipur called LGBT Manipur.

In Addition

You can also check out LGBT Mumbai for daily Mumbai updates, Saathi  (which is IIT Bombay's official page for the LGBT community, and LGBT India on Reddit for any opinion based queries. Happy Pride to you! 


I write and photograph stuff I like. Read some more of what I like at: https://anushkakala.wordpress.com/