Order Vegetables, Fruits & Other Groceries With This Online Service

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What Makes It Awesome

Miss those exotic vegetables for your salad? Agrify Organics is here to deliver it all to your doorstep. If you're not a fan of exotic veggies, don't fret. They've also got all kinds of farm-fresh veggies, fruits and a bunch of dairy products too. As it's the mango season, you can also order in organic Alphonso mangoes.

Now if you're calling for exotic veggies - they've got multiple baskets you can choose from including Family exotic basket, young couple exotic basket or bachelor exotic basket even. These start at INR 250 and upwards.

And if you're looking for desi veggies and fruits, they've got a bunch of options for that too. However, when we scanned over their website most were out of stock owing to the surge in demand. 

You could additionally call for milk and pure ghee.


A features writer at LBB. Her work desk pretty much sums up her personality. Organised, an ailurophile and a fan of everything that glitters, ...