Pupper's Birthday Coming Up? Surprise Him With These Pupcakes

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Our four-legged friends deserve as much love as our own family does. Pupcake Factory is a very unique and beautiful concept that wants to and teaches us to celebrate all those precious moments in your pet's life; be it a birthday or the first time your furry baby gave its paw out to say hello.

What Makes It Awesome

The  Pupcake Factory was conceptualized by Gayatri Marwah, an interior designer and art director by profession whose passions are pets and baking. She decided to combine both her passions and The Pupcake Factory waas born in November last year. It caters to pet parents across different strata who really wish to do something for their four-legged family members.The Pupcake Factory {such an adorbs name!} specializes in preparing cakes and treats too. Their cakes are pet-friendly and healthy for them too. To make their cakes they use oats as a base and vegetables, chicken, fruits that make your pet feel like they're living the life. The cakes are also sugar, salt, coloring and preservative free. What we loved most about them {other than the name} was the fact that a chunk of their profits go into feeding and the well-being of strays who have no one to show some love them.


If your pupper's birthday is coming up, or you're just feeling some extra love for your pooch, give The Pupcake Factory a call on +919892588888 / +919820501880 two days prior, and be rest assured your pup is going to have a blast! They also do customised cakes, so don't forget to check out that option too. Time to show your pets how much you love them. After all, the way to a pet’s heart is also through the stomach, isn’t it?


Editor I LBB, Mumbai 🌈 Join my LBB Whatsapp Group here 🤘- https://chat.whatsapp.com/EdF0KCHSCl4G59GzqXJ