Cool And Functional: 8 Pawsome Products For Your Doggo!

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From customised pet wear to vegan pet food - the pet industry has seen a drastic upgrade since the past one decade. And we're all set to celebrate all that's good and new in this industry - from products to services that are there to make your life and more importantly, your dog's life, easier. Everything listed here can be used daily or even for fun events like a pupper party! 

For Dirt-Free Dog Walks

Dog Boots - The Classics - Pack of 12 Pieces

Dog Boots - The Classics - Pack of 12 Pieces


Dog walks can get messy and dirty sometimes, especially during monsoons. And we know cleaning their paws post walks is not the easiest task (lol!). So, this is one functional/useful purchase every dog parent should make. A pack of 12, these dog boots will keep your dog's paw clean and even reduces the risk of ticks/fleas getting stuck inside their paws.     

PS - We've used it and know the value in a product like this because it makes life easier. Infinitely easier. 

For Super Soft Paws

Nourishing Paw Balm for Dogs - 50gm

Nourishing Paw Balm for Dogs - 50gm


Playing around in rough regions can get your dog's paws dry and lead to cracks. A thin layer of this paw butter nourishes their palms and heals worn out skin. Ideally apply this during the nights and make sure to distract your pooch when you've applied this, to avoid them from licking it.   

PS - This is a killer product because it really helps them keep their pads soft. Plus, it smells great! 

For The Royal Prince Charming Look!

Dog Bow Tie

Dog Bow Tie

This bow-tie is an ideal accessory for your dog if you're heading for a dinner party with you pooch, hosting a fun playdate or simply going for a vacay with your furry friend. Deck up your dog with this chic bow-tie in an effortless way!   


Don't forget to also check out these online stores to shop for yummy treats and food for your pet! 


A features writer at LBB. Her work desk pretty much sums up her personality. Organised, an ailurophile and a fan of everything that glitters, ...