Want To Learn Spanish Within 2 Months? Then Enrol At Spanish Tertulias Now!

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What Makes It Awesome?

Spanish Tertulias by Sonam Chheda, is a rather interesting take at learning a new language, in this case, Spanish. The best part of this is that the focus here is more on communication, rather than relying on a bookish way of learning. And that's why Sonam conducts the sessions at either coffee shops, bakeries, patisseries, or even on a morning stroll by the beach.

You start off with familiarising yourself with the language and then eventually proceeding to daily conversations, like, how to order food at a restaurant, or asking for directions while going shopping, talking about your likes and dislikes. This is spread through eight sessions conducted only on weekends which makes it that much more convenient for anyone to enrol. Also, an added bonus is to get a peek into the Spanish and the Latin American cultures which are so different from ours. It just gives you that much more perspective about the world around you.

What Could Be Better?

Honestly, Sonam is fairly open to any feedback. She's very receptive towards the participants and that makes things simple. So, even if there is something that you think should or should not be a part of this drill, you could just tell her about it.

What's My Pro Tip?

Normally these sessions have eight people in a batch. So you'd probably need to book your seats in advance. As Sonam said once, "It would not be right to not be able to communicate for a session whose primary objective is to communicate."

Anything Else?

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who is willing to give the Spanish language a try. A notebook, good sense of humour, being generally pleasant and wanting to give this a legit try is all you need to be a part of this.