A New Artists' Collective Is Making Bandra Better, And Wants Our Help

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A collective of talented artists and architects has decided to come to with make Bandra an even more beautiful place.

What Do They Do?

While usually the state and professionals working in tandem to better the city is a rare sight, this is a welcome exception. The Bandra Collective works in sync with the BMC, and both sides are equally driven in this case.  This is a collaborative project of six design studios – The Busride Design, Samir D’monte Architects, Sameep Padora & Associates, Urban Studio, Abraham John Architects and Architecture Brio who want to get the best work out of the suburbs and working together to do this.

As one of the many projects taking place, they’re designing and installing stunning new black and white road signs in Bandra with the purpose of giving existing ones an upgrade, and also making the signs more relevant to the surroundings. The first signage was installed at the Mount Mary Chowk and depicts thoughtful design in relation to the church itself. It was inaugurated at the recent Bandra Fest. The next road signs will be installed at the St Stephen’s Church soon.

What Else Will Bandra Have?

Those who have always complained about the state of gardens and parks in the city {the few that are there to begin with}, there’s good news as they’re also redesigning and upgrading 28 parks in Bandra, so that they are more sport facilities added to them, one in particular being Park P7 near The Sassy Spoon. Another change would be creating small parks and sit-down areas opposite Carter Road.

Having taken inspiration from countries with an active street culture such as ours {for example, Barcelona}, the aim is to make Bandra safer and more pedestrian-friendly.

So, We’re Saying…

We look forward to any positive change to this city. If you are a Bandra resident yourself and would like their help in putting up a sign on your street, you can email them the authorities on dathaide@sp-arc.net or get in touch with your local ALM.

If what you’ve just read interests you, they would be happy to welcome any volunteers or people who would like to be involved in the project.

Find them on Facebook here and feel free to contact them.


I prefer my puns intended and my popcorn buttered. Follow me on www.instagram.com/blobofthoughts