Sign Up To Volunteer And Record Books For The Visually Impaired

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Record Audio Books For Visually Impaired

What's Happening?

There's no doubt that the lockdown and COVID-19 has been a tough time for everyone. And one way to get through these challenging times is to look for positive ways to use your time, and contribute in a meaningful way. One way that we have coped with the isolation is through reading, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

But the fact is that most printed books are not available in accessible formats to those who are visually challenged or impaired. This means that there is an entire library of information out there that is unavailable or difficult to obtain for those with these restrictions. An easy way to help is to lend your voice and contribute to the audio book library.

This workshop hosted by the Samarthanam Trust for The Disabled offers an easy orientation and step-by-step guide on how you can contribute to making books more accessible. The orientation will last one hour and will take you through how to record a book, modulate tone, the available softwares, and then will assign each volunteer a book that they can record - each would take around 3-4 hours to record. Once recorded you can share the audio file.

How’s the venue?

This is an online session that will take place on Zoom

Make a note

You will need a Windows laptop/Android/iOS phone. A Macbook is not compatible with their software. You will also need a decent internet connection and fluency in English.


Entry is absolutely FREE