Head To This Quirky Eatery In Chikhalwadi For Bruschettas & More

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What Makes It Awesome

The Italian delicacies are one of the most loved cuisines on the platter. Rossobianco ensures that you ask for more! Cannelloni being the star of the menu, this restaurant is nothing less than heaven. The Basil Pasta {green pasta} here is surely going to make you come back. The food here is undoubtedly worth every penny that you end up spending there. Rossobianco also serves 24-inch pizzas which are quite hard to even imagine!

What's My Pro Tip?

Try coming here during the weekdays to experience a much faster service and also the availability of tables in abundance.

Anything Else?

Rossobianco offers quality and that too at a very low price especially when you compare them to their competitors. A meal for two people will cost around INR 600 {Including taxes}.