Here's Where You Can Donate & Help Those Affected By The Lockdown

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What Makes It Awesome?

An initiative by Mukul Madhav Foundation (MMF) in Pune believes in bringing joy to everyone without any discrimination. With the lockdown in India due to the spread of coronavirus, several families of daily wage earners are suffering from hardships. In order to help, MMF is trying to help out communities and providing services that might prove to be crucial during these tough times of the lockdown.

They are distributing grocery packets to daily wagers, supporting rural kids who are affected by cerebral palsy with digital home base physiotherapy. Not just that, they are also providing ventilators to hospitals, masks and sanitizers to front liners and hygiene kits for doctors who are away from their families. With these initiatives they are making sure that people are taken care of all around the city.

You can help by donating funds to MMF. Visit their website for more information, or directly head to their donation link.