Pune-Okayama Friendship Garden

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Going by it’s name, this one was built in inspiration of the Okayama’s Koraku-en Garden. The garden has a natural water flow coming through a canal, and is spread across 10 acres. While walking on the lawn isn’t allowed, all you need to do do is stroll down the walking path to treat your eyes to the beautiful landscape and ponds full of colourful fishes. Don’t forget to take scenic landscape pictures, while you are there!

You are not allowed to carry food, make sure you carry some water to be hydrated. Ample parking space, means you can drive down without a worry. It is usually crowded on holidays and even through the week. Most importantly, (and sadly) professional cameras are not allowed.


20 something, Foodie, Freelance Writer, Full-time Boss/PR-Girl at Réclame PR & Marketing