Folks! This Brand Makes Reiki-Infused Bath & Body Products

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What Makes It Awesome

Homemade, handcrafted, and natural bath and body products are the best. Imagine them possessing energy healing and aura cleansing properties too! That's what Rituals By Riti is all about. This venture is the brainchild of Riti Bhatia, a Pune-based energy healer, and spiritual practitioner.

She tells us that she herself handcrafts energy bath salts and healing body scrubs from scratch using everything natural before infusing aura cleansing properties in them through reiki healing. For those who don't know, Reiki is a healing technique where the master transfers healing energy by contacting the surface. Currently, she has three kinds of salts and scrubs each — Revive, Relax & Romance.

The products contain the goodness of rosemary, lavender, Bulgarian roses, herbs, and many essential oils that help soothe your mind, body, and soul. Use the bath salts after a long day and we bet you will instantly feel refreshed and energised. The scrubs will help you unclog the body pores and exfoliate while adding a glow to your skin. Our favourite is the Romance scrub that has anti-aging properties and reduces cellulite while in salts, we would prefer the Relax one with activated charcoal.

Rituals By Riti delivers its products across India. You can read up about the properties of each product on their IG page. To shop, click on the enquire button.

Prices: INR 750 for bath salts and INR 950 for scrubs. 


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