This Quirky Bandra Store Has Imported Clothes At Affordable Prices

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Cat-a-log, a store located near Toto’s in Pali Naka is giving us fashion goals with its collection shipped all the way from China & Bangkok.

What Makes It Awesome

The store, owned by Fuss Pot owner Nisha Lalvani is a cutesy establishment at Pali Naka. With plastic baskets turned into shelves and lights that hang pretty, the store is a treat for those who love spending time at a store, without the pressure of running from one store to the other. They have tops starting at INR 790, dresses start at INR 1,250, jewellery starting at INR 350, bags starting at INR 1,050 and bottoms, skirts at INR 1,090.


The store really has some awesome stuff lined up – pieces that are in vogue and will surely make you stand out.


Former Editor, LBB, Mumbai