If The Shoe Fits: Get Pretty Joothis And Kolhapuris From This Online Brand

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Ira Soles

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What Makes It Awesome

We're always on the lookout for new shoe brands and really, who can resist a pair of gorgeous joothis or kolhapuris, right? Ira Soles has a truly expansive collection of over 150 designs that accounts for every kind of taste.  

We browsed their collection and fell in love with their beautiful styles. Think open-back slip-ons in an eggshell blue with a bird print (Birdsong), embroidered floral joothis (Bloom Day), delicate motiwork adorned joothis (Avadh Motiwork), denim slip-ons with a Christmas theme and more. We love their Kolhapuris (both flats and wedges) in faux leather that come in plenty of colours that you can choose from.

Prices start from INR 1,199 for flats to INR 1,599 for kolhapuris.