Rejoice lazy and busy peeps and also those who can't cook as the small slopy lane opposite St. Stephen Church houses four new eateries, a clinic and a boutique. These new outlets can easily sort your weekday order-in and takeaway woes. Right beside Wok Express satiating your Asian appetite, is the Charcoal Biryani - made with boneless halal meat and also offering veg options, and charcoal chilli flake pizza with their exclusive puff pizza. You can also check them out at { }. Down the slope, two-three shops away are Francesco’s Pizzeria with its awesome starters and salad, pizza, pasta and sinful desserts. Check them out at { }. The same outlet also offers organic, healthy and nutritious food from Mandala with vegan & gluten-free options of salads, rice bowls, sandwiches & desserts. Order online with { }.
For those looking for something lighter, homemade pav sandwiches from Pack-a-Pav that come with amazing fillings in both veg and non-veg options with good juices {yay} is your order-in option. Find them as Packapav on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
For those looking for something lighter, homemade pav sandwiches from Pack-a-Pav that come with amazing fillings in both veg and non-veg options with good juices {yay} is your order-in option. Find them as Packapav on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.