Explore Your Literary Side At Mumbai’s British Council

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What Is It?

If you’ve always wanted to master the art of the English language and see yourself studying in the UK, the British Council in Mumbai is your best step forward. Located in over 100 countries, it has always been known to help change peoples’ lives and give them a chance to make a difference, thanks to its coaching in the English language or giving students that leverage to study abroad, and even their vast library collection that has pampered the minds of youngsters to dream big.

Learning Melting Pot

Their online mastering-the-English-language course, myEnglish, helps adult learners pick up the language with the help of a British Council teacher and classmates. It can help improve fluency and bring back that confidence to speak in English. Check this out if you want to enrol.

The British Council also helps you plan your study in the UK with the help of events and seminars and interaction with Education UK representatives, to help you sail through.

The Library

The British Council library gives you a variety of content, from books, audio books, ebooks to television series, Indie films, academic resources and educational games and comic books. You have the option to pick for an individual membership (INR 1,800 for a year), family membership (INR 3,800 for a year) or even an online membership (INR 1,400 for a year). To become a member, check this out.

So, We’re Saying…

While most of us feel that we’ve already mastered the language, there’s a lot to pick up, and it definitely goes a long way if we’re planning to go abroad. Apart from this, the library is such a inviting option, giving is access to world famous books and classics that can make for the perfect pastime.


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