Casa Del Cheese

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Started by Dhvani Desai in 2014, Borivali-based Casa Del Cheese sells organic and vegetarian cheeses, including snowflake, buffalo milk feta, gouda and St Marcellin.

Goes grate with: Cheese platters. The snowflake, gouda and St Marcellin are sharper cheeses, and they go great with the condiments that Desai also sells – an apple onion chutney and a beetroot orange relish.

#LBBTip: Unlike the store varieties, their buffalo milk feta is sold with brine, which keeps it soft and fresh for six months.

Price: INR 200 upwards for 100 grams of the cheeses. INR 50 for delivery charges.


I love food, Bombay and people who do amazing things just for the sake of doing them.