A Preview: Here's What We Thought Of Episode One

2899 Interested |

How Much Did It Cost

₹1000 - ₹3000

Best To Go With

Big Group, Bae

What Makes It Awesome

Inside Episode One, the whole area is divided into Gymkhana-esque sections… Except the concept's been turned over on its head. We'll explain how.
Y'know how gymkhanas of yore are über-exclusive, fancy, had restrictive entry, dictated what you've got to wear to enter, and didn't allow non-members?

Well, inside Episode One, there are no buzzkill moments that make you feel out of place, make you feel like you need to look or dress a particular way, and you can absolutely walk right in, no matter what your mien is like, on that day. The mirror at the entrance makes this pretty clear - it boldly states "Today's Dress Code: See Mirror". It's witty, it's sassy, and we couldn't help but smile as we walked into the space. The music was thumping, and Episode One was abuzz. We were then familiarized with the sections inside. A large cordoned-off area (which cheekily says "Non-Members Only") had people dancing like there's no tomorrow, and we were then told this section's called The Ballroom. Oh.
As we walked away from the most lit area, we found ourselves in the area called The Taproom. We were told this one's the bar area, and then we were introduced to this Episode's Taptails - basically, cocktails on tap!
Now the seasoned cocktail lover knows that cocktails are pretty mercurial - sometimes they're perfect, but mostly, they're pretty inconsistent. We've loved a cocktail when on the first glass, and then winced at the taste when the second one came around.
Taptails eliminate the inconsistencies, and make cocktails a quick affair, which is a blessing, because we'd rather have all the juice in THIS Episode, y'know?
Since we weren't particularly in the mood to bust moves, we were shown the Veranda area to park ourselves. Separated by a glass panel that makes the space cohesive yet separated, the Veranda is lit AF, too, but in a more subdued way. It's like watching the show while you multitask - and we really did want to concentrate on the food and drinks.
We sampled all the Taptails, and we honestly really can't pick one… Although the Gondhoraj and Charcoal one is fun to drink because it's a lovely slate grey in colour.

The menu spans across cuisines, and we found comfort food, finger food, and even healthy food which was Pan-Asian, Italian, Indian and Tex-Mex.
We started off with the Corn Fritters with Chilli sauce, and they gave us all the crunchy+soft we've ever wanted. Perfectly spiced and flawlessly paired with the Chilli Sauce, we would've finished another plate if it came along. We then tried the Avocado Galouti with Coin Paratha and Beetroot Ketchup, and we gotta admit that we didn't expect the world from this one. This was lovely, though. Soft, plying and resting easy on the crunchy coin paratha, its low-key sweetness had a wonderful complexity, courtesy the Beet Ketchup.
Since Episode One first aired in Kolkata, the Tangra Chilli Paneer had to be given a whirl. This, too, had an unexpected complexity, which we're sure can be credited to their "Secret Sauce".
We then moved to the Shroom Slider, a basically more ergonomically-sound burger with all the satisfaction, and none of the mess. It came with a VERY satisfying Flamin' Hot Cheetos sauce which we kept going back to even when the slider was long gone.
We were then recommended the veggie-heavy Casa Pizza. A classic thin-crust, this pizza tasted fresh, was not overloaded, and was easy to eat.
The mains ended with the Braised Tofu Chilli Bean Leeks with (wait for it…) Blue Garlic Fried Rice.
This was as satiating as your token Asian meal, but with exponentially larger Instagram potential, so we were more than happy with it.
We ended with the Caramel Tart, which was stellar, paired with Vanilla Ice Cream. A classic dark chocolate and caramel wonder, we loved the addition of sea salt, which is foolproof.
Since we sampled all the Taptails, we took our time here, and we've gotta admit that the music at a dance-y place does bother you when you're not smack in the middle of the dance floor. But that's not the case here… Being seated in the Veranda area helps you partake in the overall vibe quite well.

We'd recommend heading here for wild nights of drinking and dancing, but chill nights of catching up with the crew, too. We're happy to report this place is Post-Work-Drinks-Friendly, too, so we're quite happy with this Episode… And can't wait for the next one. Wink.

Associate Content Producer, @ LBB Mumbai 😎 Freelance Photographer 📷 Professional Flâneur 🌿