All-Natural, & Made With Love: Check Out Happy Puppy Organics For Your Doggo

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What Makes It Awesome

Dog owners. We're always combing through our pup's fur, with our hands, ALL DAY, looking for possible cuts, bruises, nicks, fleas, ticks and itches. We obsessively scan their ears, their gums and their soft little paws... And we must! You never quite know with dogs, until issues become SUPER apparent. The mantra of prevention resounds amongst us, and so we provide our furry kids with the best food, bath products and visits to the nicest possible vet. Unfortunately, large corporations will never share the same concern for your pooch.

Mass-produced ingredients, shady origins of raw material and chemical-heavy concoctions can cause long-term problems for your dog, and therefore, for you. We're always on the lookout for brands that address the needs of animals, and that's why we found Happy Puppy Organics. Born out of an episode of skin issues the owner's pooch had, this brand is creating organic, small-batch and lovingly crafted body care products for dogs.

They've got an Organic Paw Balm (for poor chapped, cracking paws) at INR 180, an Organic Hemp Healing Balm (for rashes, flaky skin and all kinds of skin troubles) at INR 600, and an Organic Hemp Seed Oil (for skin, heart and brain health) at INR 550.
We'll be keeping tabs on whether they expand into more products, but for now, shop away!


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