Want To Eat Cookies But Manage The Calories? Munch These On Keto-Friendly Snacks

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God Particle

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What Makes It Awesome

We're just fortunate enough to witness a day where we see a brand coming up with cookies that help you manage your weight. And we want to buy (and chomp on) all. God Particle makes delish flavored cookies that are high on protein, but low on carbs, and we can lick the whole pack clean. Here's why. 

If your lifestyle restricts you to just grabbing a bite while you're on the go, then nothing like the almond and cranberry, or the chocolate cookies from God Particle. These gluten-free and keto-friendly cookies strike the perfect balance between taste and health. They're rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients, and very low on carbs and calories. And since they're made with whey protein, they help you build lean muscles. The cookies are made with superfood herbs like cranberry, goji berry, gooseberry, strawberry, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame and chia seeds, basil leaves, Ashwagandha, brahmi, triphala, moringa, wheat grass and more. Made with an array of natural ingredients, these cookies really know how to check your hunger pangs. 

God Particle's cookies have become our new soul food and we're sure you'll enjoy munching on them too. Priced at INR 599 for a pack, they make for a great post-workout snack, a tea-time companion, and you can also carry it with you while you're commuting. Get them from Shop On LBB now! 


The pack of cookies mention the number of calories that you're consuming, so if you're on a Keto diet, then be rest assured that you're snacking on the right thing. 


Writer, Traveller, and a mother of 5 animals.