It's All in the NAME - Unique Name Banners, personalised just for you!

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Name Banners

The Uniqueness of the product, the creativity for each banner being personalised to your child's requirement and the classy finishing of these chic banners adds the much needed glory to your child's room.

Each banner is customised as per your requirement and Rekha Shah handcrafts each one of them herself. She designs the look, selects the combination and then spins the felt into magical story all by herself.

I have not seen such a lovely creation to add the look to your child's room in India.

Yes, since everything is handcrafted it takes 2-3 weeks of preparation time to receive the magic at your house 😁

Mother of a little doll and a working women. If not running behind my doll or thru excel sheets - I love experimenting with food and travelling