Must Visit: This Citi Centre Store Has Shoes For Everyone

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What Makes It Awesome

Citi Centre is a world of its own, isn't it? A single trip to this shopping hub will pretty much sort you out for a whole lot of stuff - bridal jewellery, clothing, casual wear, books, toys for kids, shoes... You name it.
Shoe Point is the sort of store that has shoes of every kind for the whole family. The range of kids shoes is vast, and goes from booties for tiny tots to sports shoes for little boys who've just started roughhousing!
There are cute heels for little girls too, and we saw home slippers and fluffy slides, too.
We also spotted a well-designed range of footwear that has acupressure points on it, and footwear that is designed to maintain grip. Head on over to Shoe Point if you want to shop for everyday shoes for adults, and all kinds of shoes for kids.
The range starts at INR 49, for kids' booties and INR 199 onwards for flip-flops for adults.

How Much Did It Cost

Under ₹500

Best To Go With


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