Go The Graminway! This Brand's Snacks Will Keep Your Diet On Track


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What Makes It Awesome

Snacks are a weakness of ours. Even if we keep ourselves fuelled with greens and lean proteins all day, we tend to falter quite a bit when it comes to mid-meal salty and sweet goodness! Nothing satisfies quite like that giant helping of potato chips, the mamra we fill ourselves up with, and the occasional bhajiyas that aren't doing us a lot of favours.

Brands like Graminway always take us by surprise when we go through their range of snacks. Soya Chips, Ragi Crisps and the Berry-Millet Granola all fulfill that same mid-meal craving, while actually serving the purpose of nourishing your body, keeping your energy up, and while helping your immunity, too! Plus, it REALLY helps that the snacks go perfectly well with that late-afternoon chai, and that mid-morning coffee!

Another really cool set of offerings Graminway has is their millet mixes for upmas, khichadis and pongals. It's a quick, satiating and healthy meal, all for INR 99 - which is a steal! We love the Gluten Free (yup) Vegetable Khichadi Mix, and we think you've got to try it ASAP!


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