Jaffer Bhai's Delhi Darbar has a special Iftar menu at their Jogeshwari outlet, and like every year, we're going to raid it. You reach the joint and even before you enter, the royal ambrosia engulfs you. With a scrumptuous range of biryanis, cutlets, kebabs, kheema samosas, baida roti, shawarma and frankie paired with sweet delights like Rabdi, Ghevar, Malpua Mava Roll, Gajar Halwa and Lassi, Jaffer Bhai's Delhi Darbar is your go-to place this Ramzan. And there's no doubt about it.
However, this year, for the holy month of Ramzan, they've introduced new offerings to the platter. You must totally go for their Raan Sikandari, which basically is pan-fried Raan cooked in yoghurt and a variety of mughlai spices. Another masterpiece is the Neza Kabab, which comprises marinated chicken that's char-grilled later in cream and cashew paste.
If you're in the mood for more experimentation, call for a plate of Lazeez Boti, which is a chef's special.
However, this year, for the holy month of Ramzan, they've introduced new offerings to the platter. You must totally go for their Raan Sikandari, which basically is pan-fried Raan cooked in yoghurt and a variety of mughlai spices. Another masterpiece is the Neza Kabab, which comprises marinated chicken that's char-grilled later in cream and cashew paste.
If you're in the mood for more experimentation, call for a plate of Lazeez Boti, which is a chef's special.