Love Podcasts? Get Podcasts, Radio And Audiobooks For Free On This App

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What Makes It Awesome

Do you need some background noise while working? Something to tune into to keep you occupied while tapping away at that keyboard or catching up on those household chores? Audiobooks, radio and podcasts are actually a great way to multi-task - get your entertainment fix as well as work at the same time. 

That's why when I stumbled upon Podcast Addict, it seemed ideal. One single place to organise my interests. With close to a million podcasts to choose from as well as the ability to sort, download and organise your choices, it seems like a great way to have everything you need on one app from multiple sources. No need to switch from YouTube RSS Feeds to Spotify or another podcast app - you've got it all in one place. I love that they have a 'Trending' section where you can check out the latest, plus you can browse by category, network, genre and more. You can also import other downloaded content into the app too.

If you are into customising the way you consume your content, this app let's you do that and how. From Chapter support, to bookmarks, a sleep timer, shuffle, curating playlists, and even a video player it's all available on the app.

What Could Be Better

The app is available on Andriod only