Cut Your Workout Time In Half With The High-Altitude Training In Santacruz

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If you’re into high intensity workouts and are looking for something unique, the Pilates and Altitude Studio in Santacruz offers simulated altitude training to burn off those extra calories.

Up And High: How Does It Work?

The studio in Santacruz was set up in 2011 dedicated especially to create this unique fitness regime. What exactly is it you ask? The altitude training {aka hypoxic training} is basically wherein the patron is trained in a controlled environment with reduced oxygen levels. If you’re thinking that sounds scary, it really isn’t as the trainers have been professionally certified to simulate and carry out these sessions, so you’re in good hands.

The studio is able to reduce the oxygen levels as they have hypoxic machines that filter out the oxygen that reaches you which gives you a sense of being in a high altitude {approx 5000 metres}. It’s a great way to burn those calories. The simple benefits include a 30 minute workout equals to a high intense cardio workout of an hour. The trainers tell us, it’s great for people who prefer less strenuous workouts.

What We Love

The trainers are really friendly, and are willing to sit with you and explain the whole procedure. They have the newest equipment gears, technology and the studio in itself is a great place to work out from.

They also offer variations of plates with new age and edgy gear to put a spin on pilates. The altitude training of eight sessions is for INR 6,750 and the pilates is for INR 6,750.

#LBBTip: A lot of celebrities hit this place up for their training sessions, so if you’re lucky you may just be training with them.

So, We’re Saying…

Looking for something unique to join for achieving your fitness goals? Then Pilates and Altitude Training Studio should be on your list for their state of art workout space and their professional trainers.


Former Senior Features Writer, LBB Mumbai | Equal love for coffee, and chai. ☕️