Year end Obsession with @zoomin!

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Highlights 2020 photobook by Zoomin

November was all about obsessing over this beautifully printed 2020 Highlights Photobook from our favorite @zoominstories.

Zoomin is India's no. 1 Printing Company, passionate about pictures & printing

So if you're looking out to gift your special one's here a year-end bestseller of the year.

As the year is about to end & it calls for the time of buying Calendars, planners & documenting Yearbooks(the 2020 Photobooks) Get it customized for your special one's.

All you got to do is select & upload the pictures you'd like to print, add captions/text below the picture, select a cover picture & that's all that's needed. The zoomin does the rest for you!

So if you wish to gift your loved one's a great year end highlight the year 2020 here's a perfect conceptualized photo book for you!

Grab yours from their app now!

Also, thank you @zoomin for sending us this beautiful piece. The quality is just amazing! We are absolutely in love with this masterpiece.




A food blogging start up by Mitesh Bhojani & Priyanka Parekh. We'll be sharing our experiences while exploring the food at various places.