Vastu or Vastu Shastra refers to the ancient science of architecture. It basically makes sure that your house receives the right kind of energy for healthier and happier living for the people who reside in the house. Vastu knowledge can be utilised when building your house from the ground up to understand which area your room, kitchen, or even the sort of decor you need to choose, including which colour is best suited for which area. To understand the best colours for your walls according to Vastu, we reached out to Vastu expert, Kusum Dograa.
Kusum explains that the colours you choose to paint your walls don’t depend on the room, more importantly, the direction of the wall. Most people, when they talk about the wall colours of a particular room, describe the colours basis on the ideal direction of the room, which might not be the case for every house structure. So here's how she broke it down to us;