Do you and the squad remain as confused as we get when the decor of the bar has posters of rock gods and the music that thumps through the place is either commercial Bolly or way-too-overdone EDM? It's a classic case of disappointment and killjoy, when the music is a drag everywhere. Then happened Bakstage, and we can't tell you how happy we are now!
From the golden Johhnie Walker man to the funky caricaturesque ceiling art in the bar of popular rockers, Bakstage has got us crushing on it. Dimly lit with wooden interiors, the pub has a mix of high chairs, couches and regular chairs to make everyone comfortable. The floor to ceiling length meal chain curtains add a touch of chrome to the look, but what will catch every curious eye are the handcrafted wooden plaques featuring different rockers and rock bands to the framed old LP posters and a collection of old cassettes of rock bands that deck the walls! Aerosmith to Us Route 66 and the Grease poster - this bar will take you on a trippy trip down the classic rock lane of 60s to 90s.
Hit up with your buds here and sit by the most well-stocked bar of the town to sip on season's favourites like hot buttered rum, eggnog or mulled wine. Tilt your head up and you'll see the hand-painted legendary rockers laughing at you back from the 55 ft long ceiling panel! If you're a retro rock fan just like us then the old rock LPs stuck on the walls and the quirky cushioned chairs with portraits of rock-gods (Elvis, the king of rock n' roll to the legendary Freddie Mercury) are the other stuff that will totally get you saying 'woah!'.
Perfect for the windy weather, the menu has kebabs and shashliks to gorge on. You can sit outdoors in the balcony by the live barbecue or sit indoors in the cosy couches to enjoy a delectable spread of north-Indian fares. Best of all, they have classic retro rock pumping through the speakers on most days of the week.