Bookworms, You Can Read For Hours At These Libraries In Pune

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The smell of old books stacked in wooden shelves, pin-drop silence and door opening to a vast world of imagination — Yes, you are in a library and this city has so many of them. Bookwarms, what if we tell you that you can quietly read for hours at these old yet charming libraries in Pune? Take a look.

JustBooks CLC

JustBooks tout themselves as ‘India’s largest community library chain’ (CLC). With 12 locations across Pune, they offer a handful of membership plans for every reader. In addition, you can sign up to be a member online, and have your books delivered and collected at your door. From English to Norwegian, periodicals to magazines, Tinkle Digest to Jamie Oliver, Agatha Christie to Oscar Wilde – and everything in between; you’ll be spoilt for choice! 

Phoenix Library

Estd. in 1959 by book-lover JN Ponda, Phoenix Library is famous for the way they present their books. Inside the cover of every book are attached magazine and newspaper clippings relating to the author, subject, or title of the book, that Mr. Ponda himself has collected over the years. Fiction, biographies, science, general knowledge, travel, wildlife, humour, cooking, are just a few of the genres covered at Phoenix Library. For the ultra-nerdy, they even have back-issues of National Geographic and LIFE Magazine! The unique library is also featured in the Limca Book of Records under ‘Only Library with Clippings in Books’.

Bookaholic Library

Started by a retired couple from Mangalore – Bookaholic Library aims to encourage reading habits for people of all ages. Mr. Fernandes, the owner, says that profit is not the motive, it's just a love for books, which he also aims to inculcate. Nestled in the heart of busy Kalyani Nagar, Bookaholic Library stocks all types of genres from romance to motivational, fiction, business, biographies, comics, magazines et al. The space isn’t big enough to sit around and read, but there’s no limit on how many books you can borrow at a time. For a reasonable membership fee per month, it sounds like a superb deal to us!

Books Meridian

Read unlimited books every month with their plans. Based in Aundh, opposite DAV School, you can login on their website by registering and paying according to the one you choose from their flexible plans and you will be open to read more than 18000 books and 115 magazines. Schedule your delivery and return according to your convenience and add up to 10 books to your account. Add a book to your future wishlist and they’ll make sure you have it. So register and start reading! And yes, you don’t have to wait for the next set. Get the new one the time you return the old one!

Pagdandi Bookstore Cafe

This café is located on the Baner-Pashan Link Road and has been a comfort zone for bibliophiles in Pune. The ambiance is warm, cozy and inviting, & the walls are covered by book shelves (best décor idea ever!) This café doubles up as a library, and one can donate books too. So now you can enjoy some chai and pakoras while reading a book on a comfortable sofa. They have newsletters, books and magazines across genres and authors. They have a special series called A Bag and a Book which explores places and writes about them, truly a must read!

Library Mantra

In Sahakar Nagar, Aranyeshwar, this library has a plan of unlimited books at a reasonable rate. With free and fast delivers at your doorstep, it just makes the process more simplified and convenient. With no delay penalties, you can now read at your own convenience. From kids and teens collections, renowned authors and magazines, they are a galaxy of more than 9425 books and over 4000 authors. With over ten genres, check their website to keep a tab on their latest added collection and featured books of the day. 

A.R.S Inamdar Public Library

Inamdar public library: Situated at Azam Campus, Deccan Muslim Institute’s 102-year-old A.R.S. Inamdar Public Library is perhaps one of India’s oldest reading rooms, housing over 40,000 books, including rare ancient scriptures, across various languages and genres. The best part about Inamdar Library is their subscription policy. You can borrow two books within a span of 15 days. You can also sit in the library between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm and study in peace.

British Council

One of the city's most renowned and oldest libraries, British Council Library has served bibliophiles since forever. Boasting more than 16,000 comics, 6,000 magazines and graphic novels, the library charges a nominal per year. There are several subscription plans to choose from. The library, which has shifted to Shivaji Nagar from Fergusson College Road is frequented by people from all walks of life, especially the youngsters.

Albert Edward Institute Library In Camp

With a whopping collection of 22,000 books across all the genres, this iconic library in Camp has been a reading nook of many since ages. If you are preparing for competitive exams, we recommend you check out the tiny section inside in the library which is dedicated solely to academic books for competitive examinations such as CAT, bank entrances, CET, civil services, engineering and more.  It’s a nine-month membership system at this Library.

Pune Vachan Mandir

Established around 170-years-ago, Pune Vachan Mandir is iconic and houses thousands of books across multiple genres, especially history and literature. We love the book-delivery initiative of the library for their senior-citizen members, that ensures that they do not lose the touch of reading at this age. For a nominal fee, the library sends its representative with 70-80 book options for them to choose from. They have opened new branches in Kothrud, Bibvewadi and Warje. Make fruitful use of time by spending it here in the library. 


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