Dips Ships Is All About Healthy Yet Tasty Food!

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What Makes It Awesome?

Finding food that is both healthy and tasty is not always easy. With Dips Ships on Kasba, a venture by a home cook, Anupa, look no further. Hearty portions of food, spreads, freshly sourced local bread of various kinds served as an accompaniment, and even custom planned meals. All available at affordable prices at Dips Ships. Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians have equal options and this only means more lip-smacking and fulfilling things for you to eat.

You can place an order for food 1-2 days in advance, and once a pre-decided pickup point is mutually fixed, at a nominal fee a pick up can be arranged.

Whether it's the hummus and mustard egg spread, caramelized onions jam or the curd based carrot peanut dip and herb dip they all work well with pappad, bread, nachos and whatever you can think of. Complete meals that include a well-cooked chicken, pork, or even a classic Mac n cheese are all on the menu.

An example of a custom made meal would be -
Pan grilled chicken and gravy, herb new potatoes, creamed corn, vegetable medley, braised onions. Everything is fresh, organic and made to the order with lots of love and warmth.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With?

Big Group, Family, Bae, Kids, Pets.

Photographer. Writer. Nyctophile.