Flying Duck Co is located at one of the most happening areas in Pune which is the Balewadi High Street. The place has a vast menu to try and have a bar counter which is must require. So if you are planning to have a party or hang out with friends this is a perfect place.
Talking about the food, we ordered;
The Grilled Fish Chilli mustard: The fish was perfectly cooked as it was nice and soft. It had a perfectly balanced flavor of the mustard and even the mustard and the fish didn't overpower each other's taste which is really good for me.
Spaghetti with Summer Veggies and Ricotta: This one is must try. The assorted veggies were broccoli and zucchini. It had olives as well. Also, it was garnished with parsley. The ricotta cheese went perfect with the spaghetti.
Talking about the food, we ordered;
The Grilled Fish Chilli mustard: The fish was perfectly cooked as it was nice and soft. It had a perfectly balanced flavor of the mustard and even the mustard and the fish didn't overpower each other's taste which is really good for me.
Spaghetti with Summer Veggies and Ricotta: This one is must try. The assorted veggies were broccoli and zucchini. It had olives as well. Also, it was garnished with parsley. The ricotta cheese went perfect with the spaghetti.