Can You Tell A Story In 20 Seconds? Find Out At This Event In Goa

What's Happening

If you've not been to a Pecha Kucha event ever, you must attend this first-ever meet happening in Goa on Oct 18. What is Pecha Kucha, you may ask. For the uninformed, this event was organised way back in 2003 in Tokyo for the first time. It's where young designers got to meet, network, display their work and generally have a ball. From there, it has spread across 1,000 plus cities, and now has become a movement of sorts. 

Simply meaning 'chit-chat' in Japanese, the format is fast and interesting. The idea is simple: You get to convey your idea with only 20 images/slides, and each slide shown for only 20 seconds. In keeping with the trend, the organisers have gathered an eclectic bunch of people, from various walks of life to share their stories. And we are sure looking forward to hearing them all in this popular 20x20 format. 

How's The Venue

The venue is the co-working space, 91 Springboard, which is right in the heart of downtown Panjim. 

Price Includes

The event is donation based but you'll be charged INR 100 per person.

Make A Note

Parking can be a bit of a problem around here, so either carpool, or take a two wheeler. 


An avid traveller with a Wine Problem. I love exploring the unknown and just want more people to discover Goa beyond its beaches.