Drop Everything And Binge On These Relatable Shows With Your Mum RN!

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Mums and daughters! Do yourself a favour. Drop cleaning, cooking and WFH for a few hours. Make yourself a creamy cup of coffee (Dalgona, if you please) and plonk yourself down in front of the screen. Here’s a list of shows that will offer you laughter, drama and a healthy dose of realism on motherhood, being a daughter and everything in between.

Working Moms

This Canadian show doesn’t shy away from getting down and dirty with the uncomfortable truths of motherhood. The show deals with everything from mom guilt to creating a parenting schedule that works for the entire family. It’s like a breath of fresh air in a world of unreal TV shows that depict mothers as superheroes who have it together all the time. Proving that it’s not just about doing what’s right for your children, but also about making sure you’re doing what’s right for you, as a mother. You can easily get through the whole season between preparing for lunch and dinner.

Gilmore Girls

Of course Gilmore Girls had to be on this list! The show that redefines the mother-daughter bond in the sweetest way. Whether you're a single mother of one kid like the protagonist is or you're married with three children, you can find something to relate to here. The breezy relationship of Lorelai Gilmore, an independent young woman, with her wilful daughter, Rory, is in stark contrast of that with her own mother. It’s a light-hearted drama, perfect for your self-imposed day off.

This Is Us

While This Is Us isn’t all motherhood and babies but there’s a lot there to pick up or relate to when it comes to raising kids. Aside from all the tears and feels, the Pearson family drama really brings out a simple fact - everyone struggles with parenting but we all are just doing our best hoping that the good stuff sticks. This is one series you’ve got to be patient with as you go back and forth, from the parents’ own love story, to their time as new parents, to the kids growing up and having kids of their own! Oh and before you press play, keep a box of tissues handy.

Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies is a masterclass on the trials, travails and trauma of motherhood. Sure, these Monterey moms are caught up in a murder mystery, but they’re also navigating the cutthroat competition of elite public schools, judgy moms, domestic violence and celebrating all of the ways their kids bring joy to their day. Need more reason? The show has stars like Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern. Bring that popcorn out already!

Little Fires Everywhere

The mothers in this series (and book) are shown to need their daughters just as much as the daughters need them. Apart from racism, the story mostly focusses on two polar opposites mothers, who have raised their children very differently. Leaving you to ponder whether some women merit motherhood more than others and how far are you willing to go for your child. We recommend you find a quiet spot in your home to watch this one without interruptions. 

The Letdown

The Letdown is an Australian comedy that looks at all the highs and lows of modern motherhood. Imagine a new mom, who is dealing with the seismic shift motherhood has brought to her life. To get help with this new addition to her family, Audrey joins a support group for new parents. While attending meetings, she makes quirky friends who are facing their own challenges. Soon discovering that being a parent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There’s sleep deprivation, judgmental moms, and worst of all, no help in sight. Sound familiar? 

Better Things

An American comedy-drama, Better Things rings quite recognisably true at points on the motherhood front. Sam Fox, a single working mom, raises her three daughters while caring for her ageing mother in Los Angeles. You will feel inspired watching her approach every challenge with fierce love, raw honesty and humour. It’s relatable, realistic and refreshing - a treat for every perfectly imperfect mother.


Quirk Queen. Nutella Gobbler. Storyteller. Pseudo Super Mom. Bibliophile. Closet Writer. Romancing Calcutta since 1989. https://www.instagram.com/bookofcuriouser/