You Have To Check Out This Christmassy Edible Art Installation Right Now

The information in this post might be outdated


Sugar rush alert: The Bakery at Lalit Great Eastern has an edible art installation and it’ll give you all the Christmassy feels.

Silent Night, Sugary Night

Tens of cakes {Christmas cakes and puddings} all decked out in their holiday best {topped with holly leaves}; hundreds of cookies in every flavour, shape and form; sugar cookies, glittery stars, butter cookies and more.

Not just the usual stuff, there’s treats from around the world {from Poland to France} along with the traditional Christmas cakes. A gingerbread house, a gingerbread fence, baubles hanging, lights flickering and bells hanging: this installation is pretty as a picture.

Anything Else?

The installation is totally Instagrammable. You’ll go crazy taking pictures! Even though it is edible, it’s purely for decorative purposes. You can, however, get the same items for sale at the bakery.


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