Explore Streets & Buildings Of 1784 Calcutta At This Fun Heritage Walk Through Dalhousie Square

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Dalhousie Square Walk

What's Happening

Calling all history buffs! Sign up for this fun heritage walk where you retrace the history behind the streets and buildings that form a part of the iconic Dalhousie Square. 

It's believed that Lt. Col. Mark Wood drew a detailed map of the European settlement in then Calcutta in 1784, several features of which still exist, albeit under different names in the city. Many streets and buildings and parts of the landscape depicted in the 1784 map of European Calcutta still form a major part of the city and that is exactly what this walk, organised by Heritage Walk Calcutta, will explore. 

You get to learn about the history of these places and the city between 1757 and 1807 after the Battle of Plassey that helped the East India Company seize Bengal and call Calcutta the 'Second City of the British Empire'. The three-hour walk will begin from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in BBD Bagh and end at the popular Kaka Tea where you can enjoy a bhaad of chai and some snacks.

So, why wait? Book a spot right away!


Make sure you wear walking shoes, carry your woollens and a bottle of water. 


₹650 only

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