Learn A New Skill: Sign Up For These Foreign Language Courses In The City

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Ever dreamed of picking up Latin? Or conversing fluently in Italian for that holiday much like in the book, Eat, Pray, Love? Calling all wannabe polyglots, here's where you can pick up French, Latin, Persian, Spanish, Russian and more - for as low as INR 1,000 for a semester!

CDA Centre

The CDA Centre of Languages offers many languages for you to choose from. They teach French, German,  Italian, Portuguese etc. They have three centers and are opening in Golpark and Baguihati in around two weeks! Courses for languages like French, German, Italian and Portuguese start at around INR 12,500 (without tax); and courses like Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Dutch are slightly more expensive (around INR 16,000). These courses last about 3 months and you can choose to further your expertise in the language once the course is over.

Jadavpur University School of Linguistics and Languages

Jadavpur University’s SLL Department offers certificate courses to external applicants. They focus on languages like French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese. They have some really well known  academics teaching languages such as Abhijit Mukherjee who has translated Murakami into Bangla (the first translation of Murakami in any Indian language!) in the Japanese Department and Rita Roy, a very well-known Portuguese scholar and translator. While the office at JU is a bit difficult to coordinate with, we would suggest you make your way down to the university soon to secure yourself a seat for their upcoming language courses.

Busy Bee Academy

If you’re looking for something which is a bit more laid back, Busy Bee Academy offers a French course which is a great place for you to send your kids and let them enjoy a language without getting into the formalities of examination and structure!

The Institute Of Russian Language

This institute of Russian language was inaugurated in 1974. Since then they have been providing Russian classes for both beginners and several intermediate students. You can choose from a wide variety of courses – the certificate course lasts six months and requires students to take two classes a week, or the 10-month diploma and post diploma courses {twice a week}. The certificate course costs around INR 1000+, while the diplomas cost INR 2,000+! They also have a one-month crash course which is around INR 2,500+ per head. To enroll, please visit Gorky Sadan.

Alliance Francaise du Bengale

Alliance Francaise in Park Street offer daily French classes. They give you an extensive course for which you must take exams to qualify onto the next module. Like most other language courses these are taken in groups and students are required to take oral and written tests from time to time. Course fees start from INR 10,000 excluding text book prices. These costs go up a bit as you move up the modules.

Ramakrishna Mission

Ramakrishna Mission has the most extensive list of languages in Kolkata. They teach French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Persian, Russian, Korean, Urdu, Ancient Greek, Chinese, and Latin! Courses cost approximately INR 8,500 for a year. Admission is done on a first-come-first-serve basis, so hurry!

The School of Chinese Language

Located in Sunny Park, this school offers you a wide range of courses. They also have a tie up with University of Calcutta and have UGC approval for their certificate courses.

Max Mueller Bhavan

Max Mueller Bhavan offers three kinds of German courses, extensive, intensive and super intensive. These courses start from around INR 15,500 and are 14 weeks long each. This is also a great place to visit in general since they always have some interesting event or the other going on throughout the month.

Korean Culture And Language Centre In Kolkata

Korean Culture and Language Centre in Kolkata offers beginners to basic courses for students, starting from INR 10,000 that can go up to weeks depending on your level. This course is also great for anyone who's interested in Korean culture. They also organise K-Pop fest and other events.


Queer activist, illustrator, food enthusiast and organizer of a local pop-up cafe, Amra Odhbhut. Feel incredibly passionately about feminist gaming, art and the politics around which we build movements and activist spaces.