No Time To Cook Every Day? This Brand's Natural, Healthy Snacks Will Sort Your Woes

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What Makes It Awesome

Not everyone has the time to cook daily nowadays. Well, at least it holds true for me, which is why I was looking for some easy to eat snacks that are healthy, tasty, vegetarian and gluten-free.

I stumbled upon Nutrasphere and loved how easy to cook these are. It doesn't take much time to prepare them either. There's nothing else that makes me happier than a hot piping bowl of soup, so it was obvious that the Souprotin and HyFyber soup flavours - one was Manchow and the latter Tomato - immediately caught my attention. It contains lots of fibre without any added sugar or preservatives - perfect start to a meal. It's available in combos too if you want a taste of both.

We'd also recommend the Fat Buster Combo that's got a pack each of Trim Aid Slimming Soup and Rose Sabja Fat Burner Shake - the former is basically Lemon Coriander soup that has natural ingredients to suppress hunger and burn fat while the milkshake contains tulsi seeds that will help you get rid of those extra kilos (diabetics can have it too!). 

Prices start at around INR 350.


Now, shop for all of these healthy snacks and shakes on LBB. There instant healthy Chocolate Milk sounds like a treat and a health drink rolled into one!


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