Puja Pandey has hit the fashion market in Kolkata. This Kolkata-based designer is an NIFT Kolkata graduate and her works are very well definitive of the fashion of modern times.
Are you a lover of jumpsuits and pantsuits? Then you are not going anywhere without exploring her collection (and probably buying one for yourself!). She likes to play with bright hues and vibrant colours. Her distinctive style can be seen in her tropical collection which speaks out with its prints and palettes. Her work is predominated by vivid pleats, heavy textured embroidery and twills. Her jackets are something you will definitely want in your wardrobe. We liked one white asymmetrical pleated jacket with pineapple prints. That is something to give a break from your regular clothes. We also liked a certain lemon green long printed jacket perfect to be worn with trousers.
We love how she has managed to recreate the high-waisted pants. A certain blue high-waisted bell bottom, paired with a sleeveless tropical printed crop top certainly gives out celeb feels. But if you really want to upgrade your couture, go for her trademark jumpsuits and pantsuits. You can comfortably pair the pant with a long printed full sleeve jacket and ditch the crop top (the jacket length will come down till your thighs). Fan of the one-pieces? Try a peach deep neckline jumpsuit with bell sleeves or a heavily embellished jumpsuit in full black (you can save the latter one for a red carpet event).
Her range starts from INR 10,000.