As if the cute, quirky and minimalist combination doesn't alreday make us see hearts in our eyes, Uniso has got a step ahead and added a generous dash of pop culture. We won't be surprised, if at first glance you bypass it as just another east Asian brand store with some cutesy stuff. Catch is, it's not just cutesy things, but an insane collection of fandom merch that are up for grabs, if you walk into the store.
Route 66 tin boxes, Smurfette fridge magnets, Breaking Bad luggage tags -- we went temporarily doolally over their collection. We are totally crushing on the colourful rubber fridge magnets, and loaded up a few Nemo ones. You'll go full out bonkers on the rubber hair ties with cute comic figures (we found an R2D2 hair tie!), too.
If you love collecting small boxes for nick-knacks, like we do, then their collection of tin boxes will bowl you over. The variety of Route 66 boxes with Cadillacs and motels drawn on them are awesome finds here. For something more nerdy, check out their cookie tins that look like coffee machines!
The store has a special section just given to water bottles and you'll find a host of anime characters sitting on the shelves. We couldn't give our neighbour Totoro a miss. Pikachu and others are waiting for your picks. Love those funny misspelt Chinese-made items that rub against the snobby nose of high-street fashion? We found bags that were good to make Moschino red.