Head Over To Green Tokri For Their Amazing Salads, Dips & Spreads

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What Makes It Awesome?

Green Tokri - The name that is more popular for its salads, dips and spreads. But do you know they also arrange a full day farm tour?

If you haven't visited then this season might be the best time to visit them.

Green Tokri land was Barren land where nothing seemed to be growing. But when the founders found the land they wanted to grow this into a farmhouse and create a natural habitat for the vegetables that were especially difficult to grow in these areas of Maharashtra. With lots of research and experiment, they came up with the idea to cultivate the land with few methods that they still use at the farmhouse including their Greenhouse and the water sprinkler garden for their baby plants to grow.

Start your day with an organic Strawberry or lemongrass juice. And then move ahead to take a look at how the vegetables are grown and maintained. Harvest a salad and pluck strawberries in the season.

Mr Khan and Alicia his wife who takes care of the farm are extremely generous and answer all your queries.

Go ahead and then attend a small talk session on how to cut or break salad leaves and how different leaves taste different. They also make you familiar with the names of different salad leaves. Make some salads with their in house dips. Now, this session might be important for your kids to attend coz Mr Khan talks about why salads and eating greens are important. You never know your kids might just listen to his advice. Go ahead to see their greenhouse where the tiny cucumbers grow. Also, see their water sprinkler garden which is used to grow seeds into baby plants.

Shop at their fresh farmers market while kids do some gardening activities and watering their baby pots.

Relax for a bit and then hop on for a bumpy tractor ride to reach the place of lunch.

Enjoy the lavish "Salad Buffet", trust me I know we guys are so used to Chapati and sabzi we nearly forget that salads can be filling too. Do you don't believe me? Then you must go now !!

Their salads include 6- 7 types of dips including pesto, mayonnaise, red pepper, babaganoush, chipotle and dressings like mint and coriander, garlic and lemon etc.

On the sides they also have pasta, quinoa and brunes, also yummy strawberry jam oh and bananas.

Take home a goody bag that only and only contains healthy dips and sauces in a cloth bag( yes being environment-friendly is their motto too).

After lunch relaxes for a bit and tries their zipline, trampoline and rock climbing. Laze around for a while and then you are ready to head back home around 4 pm.

Ps. Don't forget to take your caps, first aid box, water bottles, sunscreen and some more food for the way.

It's nearly 1.5 hours away from Pune.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹500 - ₹1,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids

Kids friendly , family places, food, activity centres Mom Blogger, Homechef-foodjunkie, Fitness enthusiast , bookeater, Yogi and Bhogi(foodie) ! Find